NEXT GENERATION IN PHARMACOGNOSY  |  HMPPA Symposium  |  July 04 – 05, 2024

University of Graz, Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Pharmacognosy, Beethovenstrasse 8, A- 8010 Graz, Austria

Dear colleagues in Pharmacognosy,

One of the aims of the Herbal Medicinal Products Platform Austria (HMPPA) is to promote young scientists working in the area of Pharmacognosy in Austria. Thus, the board of the HMPPA would like to cordially invite you all again to the 4th HMPPA Symposium „Next Generation in Pharmacognosy“. It will take place this year on July 04/ 05 at University of Graz, Austria.

In the course of this symposium, young researchers of Austrian Universities (PhD students and postdocs), as well as lecturers and professors, should get to know each other, exchange ideas, discuss own experiences and possibly start collaborations. At this 4th meeting, doctoral students and postdocs are expected to introduce themselves or their research area (5 min. presentation in English, 3 min. discussion). Depending on the progress of the thesis, PhD students are requested to present the title and hypotheses, or if available already first results. Postdocs will have the opportunity to outline their main research areas.

The symposium will take place at University of Graz, Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Pharmacognosy, Beethovenstrasse 8, 8010 Graz, Austria

We are looking forward to seeing you personally at the University of Graz.

The board of HMPPA
Univ.Prof. i.R. Mag. Dr. Hermann Stuppner, President
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Christian W. Gruber, Vice President
Univ.Prof. Dr. DDr.h.c. Rudolf Bauer, Vice President
Emer.O.Univ.Prof. DI Dr. Chlodwig Franz, Vice President


Program HMPPA 2024 (pdf, 143 KB)

The HMPPA board thanks all participants of this Symposium 2024 at the University of Graz, Austria

Paricipants on the HMPPA Symposium "NEXT GENERATION IN PHARMACOGNOSY" 2024, University of Graz, Austria

NEXT GENERATION IN PHARMACOGNOSY  |  HMPPA Symposium  |  May 11 – 12, 2023

Paracelsus Medical University (PMU) Salzburg, Strubergasse 21, A- 5020 Salzburg, Austria

Dear colleagues in Pharmacognosy,

One of the aims of the Herbal Medicinal Products Platform Austria (HMPPA) is to promote young scientists working in the area of Pharmacognosy in Austria. Thus, the board of the HMPPA would like to cordially invite you all again to the third HMPPA Symposium „Next Generation in Pharmacognosy“.
This meeting is organized in cooperation with the Paracelsus Medical Univerity Salzburg (PMU), Salzburg, Austria and will take place from May 11 – 12, 2023.

In the course of this symposium, young researchers of Austrian Universities (PhD students and postdocs), as well as lecturers and professors, should get to know each other, exchange ideas, discuss own experiences and possibly start collaborations. At this third meeting, doctoral students and postdocs are expected to introduce themselves or their research area (5 min. presentation in English, 3 min. discussion). Depending on the progress of the thesis, PhD students are requested to present the title and hypotheses, or if available already first results. Postdocs will have the opportunity to outline their main research areas.

The symposium will take place at the Paracelsus Medical University (PMU) Salzburg, Strubergasse 21, 5020 Salzburg, Austria PMU Austria.

We are looking forward to seeing you personally at the PMU Salzburg.

The board of HMPPA
Univ.Prof. Mag. Dr. Hermann Stuppner, President
Univ.Prof. Dr. Dr.h.c. Rudolf Bauer, Vice President
Emer.O.Univ.Prof. DI Dr. Chlodwig Franz, Vice President
Univ.Prof.i.R. Mag. Dr. Dr.h.c. Brigitte Kopp, Vice President


Program HMPPA Symposium_2023 (pdf, 86 KB)