Scientific Symposium

phytochemical, pharmacological and clinical evidence

University of Vienna, Kleiner Festsaal, Universitätsring 1,
1010 Vienna, Austria

November 15th 2018, 09:00 – 17:30 h

organized by
Herbal Medicinal Products Platform Austria (HMPPA)
Society for Medicinal Plant and Natural Product Research (GA)

invitation  |  speakers  |  registration fees  | call for abstracts  |  meeting venue

flyer/program(pdf, 1 MB)

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Scientific Committee

Hermann Stuppner, President HMPPA
Brigitte Kopp, Vice-President, HMPPA
Chlodwig Franz, Vice-President, HMPPA
Rudolf Bauer, Vice-President, HMPPA
Verena Dirsch, HMPPA
Anna-Rita Bilia, President GA
Judith Rollinger, Vice-President GA
Oliver Kayser, Vice-President GA

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Organizing Committee

Hermann Stuppner, President HMPPA
Brigitte Kopp, Vice-President, HMPPA
Chlodwig Franz, Vice-President, HMPPA
Rudolf Bauer, Vice-President, HMPPA
Verena Dirsch, HMPPA
Elisabeth Gstrein
Birgit Mayer

abstracts and presentations

For abstracts please see Karger Journal Medical Cannabis and Cannabinoids:

Following presentations were provided as pdf:

Prof. Giovanni APPENDINO
Presentation will be available in early 2019

Cannabidiol, a broad-spectrum therapeutic cannabinoid: emphasis on its neuroprotective properties (pdf)

Mag. Bernhard FOEGER
The production of medical cannabis in Austria by ages (pdf)

Dr. Gianpaolo GRASSI
Breeding and agronomical techniques to produce medicinal cannabis (pdf)

Prof. Victor NOVACK MD PhD
From hype to hope. Evidence based medicine approach to medical cannabis (pdf)

symposium feedback

Thank you so much for your participation in the scientific symposium „Cannabis – phytochemical, pharmacological and clinical evidence“.

We would be very pleased to receive your feedback about this symposium here. Thank you.


On behalf of the Herbal Medicinal Products Platform Austria (HMPPA) and the Society for Medicinal Plant and Natural Product Research (GA), the Organizing and Scientific Committees invite you to attend the scientific symposium „Cannabis – phytochemical, pharmacological and clinical evidence“. The event will take place on November 15th 2018, 09:00 – 17:00 h at the University of Vienna, Universitätsring 1, Kleiner Festsaal, A-1010 Vienna, Austria. The symposium will provide new insights and most recent research data on Cannabis and its medicinal uses for human health.

invited speakers

Prof. Giovanni APPENDINO
Cannabis beyond the „big two (THC and CBD)“: the biological potential of minor cannabinoids and of non-cannabinoid constituents of Cannabis
University of Piemonte Orientale, Novara, Italy

Prof. Mahmoud A. ElSOHLY, Ph.D
Cannabis Based Products: Analytical and product development issues
The University of Mississippi, National Center for Natural Products Research, a division of The Research Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, USA

Cannabidiol, a broad-spectrum therapeutic cannabinoid: emphasis on its neuroprotective properties
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain

Mag. Bernhard FOEGER
The production of medical cannabis in Austria by ages
Institute for Sustainable Plant Production, Division for Food Security, AGES – Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety, Austria

Prof. Jürg GERTSCH 
Cannabis and the endocannabinoid system – a molecular love story
Institute of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine, University of Bern, Switzerland

Dr. Gianpaolo GRASSI
Breeding and agronomical techniques to produce medicinal cannabis
CREA-CI, Research Centre for Cereal and Industrial Crops, Branch station of Rovigo, Italy

Prof. Dr. Werner KNOESS
Cannabis for medicinal use – key parameters of the legal environment
Head of Division Licensing 4, Complementary and Alternative Medicines and Traditional Medicines, Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices, Bonn, Germany

o.Univ.-Prof. DDr. Hans-Georg KRESS, FFMPCAI
Medicinal cannabis – hope or dope?
Medical University of Vienna, Division of Special Anesthesia and Pain Medicine, Vienna, Austria

Prof. Victor NOVACK MD PhD
From hype to hope. Evidence based medicine approach to medical cannabis
Soroka University Medical Center, Be’er Sheva, Israel

Prof. Dr. med. Michael SCHAEFER
Medical use of cannabis: potential and risks
Department of Anesthesiology and Operative Intensive Care Medicine (CCM/CVK), Charité Medical Center Berlin, Germany

Assoz. Prof. Dr. Rudolf SCHICHO
GPR55: a cannabinoid sensitive receptor that promotes inflammation and cancer of the gastrointestinal tract
Otto-Loewi-Forschungszentrum, Lehrstuhl für Pharmakologie, Medizinische Universität Graz, Austria

registration fees

Participants are invited to register online for this scientific workshop, preferably before November 10th, 2018.

The registration fees include coffee breaks and lunch.

Participants Early Registration Fees (EUR)
April 03 until Sept. 30 2018
Late Registration Fees (EUR)
Oct. 01 until Nov. 15 2018
Members of HMPPA/GA 90,00 110,00
Non-members 110,00 130,00
Students* and Media representatives 50,00 70,00

*In order to claim the student registration fee proof of full time enrolement at a University or College must be provided.

call for papers

Scientific contributions such as short lectures (12min + 3min discussion) and posters (max. 90 x 120 cm, width x height) in the field of Cannabis are very much welcome. Abstracts for oral and poster presentations have to be submitted by Email to until October 31st, 2018.


All presentations will be in English.

organization and contact

This scientific symposium is organized by the Herbal Medicinal Products Platform Austria (HMPPA) and the Society for Medicinal Plant and Natural Product Research (GA).

If you have any queries regarding the symposium please contact

meeting venue

University of Vienna, Universitätsring 1, Kleiner Festsaal, A-1010 Vienna, Austria (Floor plan, pdf 104 KB)

How to get there

To get to the Main Building of the University of Vienna, we advise to use the underground or tram and get off at the station „Schottentor“.

Arrival by Public Transport

  • Underground line U2: Schottentor station
  • Tram lines: 1,37,38,40,41,42,43,44,71, D
  • City bus: 1A
  • From the main railway station: Use the underground line U1 towards Leopoldau, get off at the Karlsplatz station and change to underground line U2, finally get off at the Schottentor station.

Arrival by Plane

Arrival by Car

  • Parking spaces: There is a limited number of parking spaces around the Main Building. Short-term parking (subject to charges) applies in the whole area from 09:00-22:00. The Votivparkgarage car park can be accessed via Universitätsstrasse (one-way street towards Universitätsring).


The members of the Organizing Committee gratefully acknowledge the support of this scientific workshop by the Society for Medicinal Plant and Natural Product Research (GA), the University of Vienna, Bionorica ethics and Trigal Pharma GmbH.

green meeting

The event was certified and complies with the guidelines of the Austrian Environmental Label Green Meetings.